
Fantasyland Records: Advertisements

These, contrary to my feelings about stationary, were my favorite project of the semester so far. I love copywriting, matching and fitting text to image, and creating striking posters and print pieces. If I were asked what my strongest area is in design, I'd certainly have to say poster design and advertising. For some reason, this is where I feel the least constrained and able to put forth a more tangible sequence of ideas that usually works for me. I had never done any full illustrations for a project before, and I pulled an all-nighter, nine hours straight just for digital illustration time to finish this, but I'm actually somewhat proud of the work I've done this time. For a non-illustrator without any fancy Wacom tablet (did this completely on a macbook trackpad with the pen-tool in illustrator), they're good enough for me:

Since they fit so strangely on the page, I just made them small thumbnails, so click to enlarge. The idea behind these was to replicate retro-style travel ads and equate them with musical "fantasylands." Each ad fits a specific pair of genres, just some of my favorites that fit into the settings well. I need to do some slight tweaking with them, but overall I'm pretty satisfied, especially for my first large illustrations.

1 comment:

  1. "without any fancy wacom table".. hmpf. What are trying to say?
    Don't make excuses. Your ads were good because they were good. Done. End of story. Not because you didn't use a tablet or only had your trackpad.
    p.s. I can't see your ads.
