
Pop Culture Semester Recap: Box Set

Three-album collector's edition box set for Oneohtrix Point Never's most recent full length albums: Returnal, Replica, and R Plus Seven. Daniel Lopatin (OPN) uses a lot of computer generated and internet collected sounds in his music, and it reinforces the idea of a generation behind an LCD screen. The RGB color palette used in LCD screens serves as the scheme for the three-record set. Included is a "fossilized" USB drive loaded with the bonus "Chuck Person's A.D.D. - Locked Groove Edition," a short album by Lopatin's side project intended for vinyl release, but is instead incased in clear epoxy. Can be used as a desk decoration/night light with the included base and interchangeable color-gels.

Pop Culture Semester Recap: Zine

Stalled is a short, abstract narrative magazine that documents different ideas of social reality and situates them into a linear context. It is both an observational study and a piece of personal expression. Issue one focuses on outlying towns and cities full of abandoned buildings and detached people. 

Pop Culture Semester Recap: Decades of Design

Decades of Design: The 1970s. Pong, Betamax, Inkjet Printers. Post-modern art, 2nd-wave feminism, punk.

Pop Culture Semester Recap: Fill In The Blank

A blank cup, paper bag, and sketchbook to represent the current state of pop culture. I chose to highlight internet crowdfunding, Shia LaBeouf, and the great Mac vs. PC debate with a little Joy Division joke. Whoop.