
Pop Culture Semester Recap: Box Set

Three-album collector's edition box set for Oneohtrix Point Never's most recent full length albums: Returnal, Replica, and R Plus Seven. Daniel Lopatin (OPN) uses a lot of computer generated and internet collected sounds in his music, and it reinforces the idea of a generation behind an LCD screen. The RGB color palette used in LCD screens serves as the scheme for the three-record set. Included is a "fossilized" USB drive loaded with the bonus "Chuck Person's A.D.D. - Locked Groove Edition," a short album by Lopatin's side project intended for vinyl release, but is instead incased in clear epoxy. Can be used as a desk decoration/night light with the included base and interchangeable color-gels.

Pop Culture Semester Recap: Zine

Stalled is a short, abstract narrative magazine that documents different ideas of social reality and situates them into a linear context. It is both an observational study and a piece of personal expression. Issue one focuses on outlying towns and cities full of abandoned buildings and detached people. 

Pop Culture Semester Recap: Decades of Design

Decades of Design: The 1970s. Pong, Betamax, Inkjet Printers. Post-modern art, 2nd-wave feminism, punk.

Pop Culture Semester Recap: Fill In The Blank

A blank cup, paper bag, and sketchbook to represent the current state of pop culture. I chose to highlight internet crowdfunding, Shia LaBeouf, and the great Mac vs. PC debate with a little Joy Division joke. Whoop.



I'm an idiot and didn't take enough pictures for my "block of type" assignment, but here's something cool that happened to the Marta scrolling marquee today:

Also there's this that I found:

Some great type here. Love it.